Jul 10, 2007

On Plagiarism, On fair blogging

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism, like cheating, is an act that directly challenges the concept of intellectual honesty. It occurs when a person
  • hands in someone else's work as their own. This applies to direct presentation of someone else's work, a paraphrase of their work, or even direct inclusion of turns of phrase from someone else's writing. In these instances, the plagiarism is most likely intentional.

  • cites sources improperly. Again, this applies to direct quotations, paraphrased ideas, and even turns of phrase. In these instances, the plagiarism may well be unintentional, but it is still plagiarism nonetheless.
Source: http://www.2learn.ca/mapset/SafetyNet/plagiarism/

Are you one of them (plagiarists)? A lot of us might have neglected the ethics on writing (and blogging). Plagiarism violates the principles of intellectual honesty, whether intentional or not. I admit, I am one of them. As much as I want to avoid plagiarism, I can't avoid it. It's an indirect, unintentional and honest mistake (second condition). I guess most of us are. But what really annoyed me are those people who fall on the first condition, those who intentionally claimed one's idea and claimed it as theirs. Let's play the blogging game fair.

1 comment:

Jehzeel Laurente said...

hahahaha... sino kaya yun????

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