Jan 9, 2008

Charity for homeless

Last December, my friends and I celebrated our Christmas party in one of the charity homes in Davao City. The place is called Missions of Charity, an orphanage founded by the late Mother Theresa. There were a lot of kids there and what we did for them was give them gifts and we also fed them. We also spent some time playing with them and getting to know them a bit. When we left, I was filled with both happiness and sadness. These children made me happy, because in spite of their predicament, they still had hope and joy enough to celebrate. But the thing is I felt sad because I knew that the happiness we gave them for that day will only be temporary.

I felt very thankful to my grandparents after this event. Even if I don't live a privileged life, I am more than lucky to have a house to live in, a school to go to, and a family to be with. That's why I promised myself that to show my appreciation to my grandparents by taking care of them in the future.

But what if no one will take care of me when I get old? Where would I go? The idea finding a care home for elders came to me. I searched the web and found this great site which offers "homely" caring services for the old and aged. Who knows, I might end up in their institution someday.

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